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Section: Software and Platforms


Participant : Jérôme Milan.

Apip , Another Pairing Implementation in PARI, is a library for computing standard and optimised variants of most cryptographic pairings.

The following pairings are available: Weil, Tate, ate and twisted ate, optimised versions (à la Vercauteren–Hess) of ate and twisted ate for selected curve families.

The following methods to compute the Miller part are implemented: standard Miller double-and-add method, standard Miller using a non-adjacent form, Boxall et al. version, Boxall et al. version using a non-adjacent form.

The final exponentiation part can be computed using one of the following variants: naive exponentiation, interleaved method, Avanzi-Mihailescu's method, Kato et al.'s method, Scott et al.'s method.